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论语四书五经英文版 Great大学ofMeantoofofof

The Four Books 四书

The Four Books is an for 'The Books of the Four ’ The of , The , The of the Mean and The Great are to four great ,, , Zisi (子思 the of ), Tsang Shan (曾参 a of ). In the Ming and Qing the Four Books were made the core of the for the civil (科举考试),which them with the in China.

The Great 大学

The of the Mean 中庸

The of 论语

The 孟子

The Five 五经

The Five (五经) is a of five books used by as the basis of . The Five refer to The Book of Songs (诗经)论语四书五经英文版, The of (书经), The of Rites, The Book of (周易),and The and (春秋)论语四书五经英文版, all of which are said to be or by .


The Book of Songs 诗经

The of 尚书

The of Rites 礼记

The Book of 周易


The and 左传


